Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rock and Roll Mardi Gras Marathon 2012


That was the biggest thought in my mind as i rolled into my first one, i was not prepared due to setbacks and problems building up to this one.  I knew about it for 5 months before hand, registered for it many months before hand.  I knew i would not be able to run it, or would i?  Fourteen days prior i made it back into the game for preparation.  Did a six miler on Wed of the first week, and started to feel somewhat more comfortable.  That weekend we went to Nola and i was going to push hard on saturday. 

Do or Die...

Saturday morning i hit the bricks in my new shoes and weairly and skeptically hit it.  I pushed hard and fought my way to 10.1 miles.  I was astounded, maybe i could do this, maybe i can make it. We shall see

True to advice of blogs and columns, i took a light week following.  I ran once at the gym for 4.7 miles.   


Saturday Arrives, the buildup was unbearable, i cant run i cant warm up the waiting game is killing me, light eating, hydrating preparing, and no alcohol intake.  

The Big Day

It was an excruciatingly early morning and it was 50 degrees, perfect...  I put on my thermal top and compression leggings and hit the bricks.  Went downtown and enjoyed the festivities.   

The Time has come

We are all lined up in our corrals, anticipation is through the roof, every one around me is pumped it flows through me freely as well.  Im drugged.  Im sucked in.  I will do this.  I will knock it down by damn.

And were off

This run was going effortlessly, i was shocked and amazed on how much the energy flowed, the bands were great on the route, and i was in my groove, mind set, and paced at max.  Before i knew it i looked up and i was at Mile 5.   

Wrapping Up

Energy started to fade slightly when i looked up at mile 11, im almost there, disrupted mindset texted wife, got back in groove.

1 mile left

Im going to do it, i cant believe it!   thats the thought that was running through my head the whole last mile.  I hit the finish line and i had more energy than when i started.  This was an epic accomplishment for me.  I can do this!
If i can do a half marathon, anyone can.  

Believe in your self, test your limits


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